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Category Design News: The Inventor of Bitcoin Created a New and Different Category of Money and Will Always Be the Category King.

Bitcoin is a new category of value, but invisible.
by Gifford Watkins, CTO at CDPI, Inc

"Value" is a category. It's products are physical. Gold, land, art, paper is physical, all made out of matter and you have to put it somewhere, guard it, bank it, owning stuff is a problem. 


The person who creates a new category solves all the problems within an existing category and a new product is born. The new category product starts to take away market share from the out-dated category product until the old product is obsolete.

As the new category product moves from early adopter, to everyone now uses it, it becomes a household name, the new category will dominate the new category market cap at around 70-80% for the lifespan of the category.

For Instance:

Music Category: The vinyl record destroyed the Victrola, the cassette destroyed the record, the CD destroyed the cassette tape, the MP3 player destroyed the CD player, and the smart phone now dominates the category of "Listening to music".  

The car replaced the horse.

Money Category: I'm not going to go through the history of humanity describing different forms of value exchange, because they are all the same category... Bitcoin is a new category because it doesn't exist in the physical world.

Why Bitcoin is the Only Cryptocurrency That Matters

Bitcoin is the most important and foundational cryptocurrency, and for several key reasons, it continues to dominate the crypto space despite the rise of thousands of alternative digital currencies. Here’s why Bitcoin remains unmatched and why it’s the only cryptocurrency that matters:

While other cryptocurrencies may offer different features or experiment with new technologies, none can rival Bitcoin’s combination of security, decentralization, trust, and real-world adoption. As the original cryptocurrency and the cornerstone of the digital financial revolution, Bitcoin’s position as the only truly essential cryptocurrency remains unchallenged.

Michael Saylor on TCN